Most parents are reluctant to discuss money with their children. Society is extremely dynamic, constantly changing. That is why, at present, there is a need for...
Early leadership skills help children to have more self-confidence, to solve problems creatively, to work more effectively in...
No matter what age we are, often when we want something, 2 obstacles come to mind: I don't have money or I don't have time. Today we will talk about the first...
We all know that this generation will change the world substantially. But it's also our responsibility as adults to create the right learning opportunities for them that bring them out...
During this time when #StamAcasa, any family activity can turn into a lesson in entrepreneurship with the little one. Here are some ideas that you can put into practice...
Santa is coming this year from KEN Academy. Our small entrepreneurs practice their skills and put into practice everything they have learned in the courses. They made decorations with love...
Your little one might fit perfectly into one of the models, but might just as well have characteristics from several profiles. Next, we present six types of...
With the first stories read at bedtime, your child begins to know all kinds of characters, the embodiment of character traits that you consider "good" and about...
"What will you do when you grow up?" – is a question we always ask children. When they are small, the answers are always in this area: teacher, ...
Children's financial education begins at home. And as quickly as possible! That is why it is recommended that, from the first part of childhood, the little one gets to know information from...