ONLINE educational program – KEN Business is designed as a 9-month journey where children become familiar with how to organize and manage a business and learn to build their own business. Children become familiar with the basic concepts of a business and learn that they can develop entrepreneurial projects that earn money.
- it offers a PRACTICAL CURRICULUM. Because we want the little ones to acquire skills and develop skills, not just retain information, we have opted for an educational program that is as applied and pragmatic as possible, even if it is online.
- 5 Special Guests – entrepreneurs and specialists who share from their direct experience
- real case studies – brought by companies / entrepreneurs
- interactive activities and games adapted to their age
- your child discovers who they are THE STRONG POINTS and develops a series of ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS which will give him self-confidence and courage
- your child becomes familiar with BASIC CONCEPTS OF A BUSINESS and understands that he can develop projects
- at the end of the program, the children will build a BUSINESS PLANS and will present it to a jury of entrepreneurs
- because it is held throughout the SCHOOL YEAR, to ensure maturity and coherence of the educational process, as well as the acquisition by the child of a set of solid skills
- It is ONLINE and so city or traffic limits are no longer a problem! Living children can join in any city in Romania and even in the world! The classrooms are on the Zoom and Google classroom platforms.
- this program can be completed in the language ENGLISH or in the language ENGLISH. Thus, your child can also practice his English while learning business.
- For all the parents who want children who are happy, adaptable, self-confident, financially independent and who can turn their dreams into real entrepreneurial ventures.
- For all the children who are brave and entrepreneurial, who want to make their own way in life, have project ideas and initiative. For those who dream of starting a business or who simply want to be smart consumers.
- what am I the money and how he can organize them responsive and manage effectively
- what is a entrepreneur: how he thinks and what key skills he has
- what is a business
- Which are the basics of a business (product, promotion, price, location)
- a set of entrepreneurial skills essentials:
- team work
- presentation and communication skills
- selling techniques
- creative thinking through brainstorming
- setting goals
- have their first sales experiences, and from one event to another, they go from an intuitive to a conscious sale
- they are exposed to interaction with the market and thus develop their initiative, autonomy and self-confidence
The program runs throughout the entire 2023-2024 school year:
- the course takes place during 25.09.2023 – 21.06.2023
- The program contains 36 sessions:
- 34 live online sessions for 75 minutes, once a week
- 2 fairs for sale organized in Bucharest, on weekends, with a duration of 150 minutes
- groups are made up of 10 – 12 participants
- the age categories are 8 – 10 years and 11 – 13 years
- teaching is interactive and facilitated by a KEN trainer
- some sessions are hosted by entrepreneurs who share their own experience with the children
- children receive a Learning Journal with resources and worksheets
- the teaching platform used is Zoom
- the participation fee for the entire program is 4000 lei. It can be paid in 3 installments or in full (benefiting from a 10% discount)
Choose the program ONLINE – KEN Business Academy and help your child to discover the world of entrepreneurship, to understand that he or she can be financially independent by happily creating projects that bring added value!
Registration and details at: / 0723.600.341
Enrollment in the module is conditional on signing the contract and paying an advance of 10%.