Nature: a super friend for your child
Recent studies in the specialized literature emphasize the need to spend free time in nature, both for children and adults. Kristine Engemann, Aarhus University in Denmark, said there is growing evidence that time in nature is very beneficial for the harmonious development and good functioning of children, playing an important role for their mental and emotional health.
Why go outside?
Researchers agree that when playing outside, children are smarter, happier, more attentive and less anxious than those who spend more time indoors. Time spent in nature improves children's cognitive functioning and mood, creates new social contexts for them, helps them relax and be more confident in their own strength and in the world around them.
When you plan an outdoor getaway with your family, regardless of the place you choose (forest, beach, park, etc.) discuss together the importance of respecting nature, pollution and the negative impact that waste thrown in the wrong places has on natural spaces. Argue why it is important to protect nature and ask the children if they know anything about this topic (from school, friends or books). These discussions empower children and help them look at nature in a friendly way.
Natural spaces encourage creativity and imagination. Most often, outdoor play is associated with non-formal education, and this learning style allows children to interact meaningfully with their environment. They can think more freely, design their own activities and approach the world in inventive ways. Nature activates children's senses, challenging them with visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile stimuli. With all the technology that surrounds us, children's cognitive stimulation, other than through digital technologies, is becoming increasingly difficult to activate. However, nature manages to fascinate children every time and provides them with new learning contexts. Nature also provides countless contexts for feel-good movement (team games, cycling, exercise, yoga, etc.) all of which lead to reduced stress, fatigue and anxiety. Interaction with natural environments allows children to learn by doing and experiment with ideas. In nature, children think, ask questions and hypothesize – thus developing their inquisitive minds. These experiences provide real, authentic learning, and as children take risks, try, fail and try again, they gain resilience and confidence.
Children are free to explore, move and be noisy – all of which are delightful forms of self-expression. In nature, children can run, jump, hop, climb, roll and shout, which relaxes them and reduces tension and anxiety.
KEN Academy susține timpul petrecut în natură și, tocmai din acest motiv, în fiecare vară și toamnă taberele desfășurate se întâmplă la munte, unde copiii au ocazia să își încarce bateriile, să se bucure de aerul curat, de razele soarelui și explorare distractivă. Activitățile sportive îmbinate cu diferite alte tematici educaționale sunt exact ceea ce au nevoie copiii pentru vacanța de vară. O învățare care merge tare bine îmbinată cu bucuria, într-un spațiu sigur care le oferă copiilor confort.
*Article written by Veronica Dunga, KEN Academy trainer.
Tag:the nature, summer camp