KEN Academy 2024 - 2025

Simple! This is KEN's most complex program, dedicated to brave and entrepreneurial children aged between 8 and 13.

We know that entrepreneurial and financial education in our children's lives has become mandatory to help them build their own path.
We live in a world where temptations are everywhere, credit cards can be obtained quickly, shopping is a click away, the professions of the future are not yet well defined, competition is increasing, the world is in constant change, and novelty and innovation have an accelerated rate of growth.
How can we prepare our children?
The solution is simple: to develop in children a set of life skills and an entrepreneurial mindset that will help them embrace all these challenges, whatever they choose to do.
For us, all parents, who want self-confident, brave, innovative, adaptable children who take action and turn their dreams into projects and are financially independent.
For all the children who are brave and entrepreneurial, who want to make their own way in life, have project ideas and initiative. For those who dream of starting a business or who simply want to be smart consumers.

- it offers a 100% PRACTICAL CURRICULUM. We believe in developing practical skills that will help children cope anywhere. The sessions are rich in interactive activities and age-appropriate experiential games.
- children meet with contractors and specialists who share their entrepreneurial stories, and tips & tricks from their professional experience
- children organize and hold SALES FAIRS through which they experientially practice the elements of the marketing mix, sales and communication skills, the value of teamwork. Moreover, the profit is theirs!
- children go on FIELD TRIPS TO VISIT COMPANIES to see how a business works, what the challenges are, what the roles and activities are
- children develop their ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS, practices that will help them in life, in personal / school relationships. They learn to manage, whether it's organizing their money, making decisions, finding a solution, working in a team or giving a presentation.
- children acquire BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE and understand that they can develop entrepreneurial projects.
- these kids build BUSINESS PLANS and present them to a jury of entrepreneurs.
- because it is held throughout the SCHOOL YEAR, to ensure maturity and coherence of the educational process, as well as the acquisition by the children of a set of solid skills.

- offline programs contain between 35–37 session of 100 minutes, once a week
- performance period: 30.09.2024 – 20.06.2025
- groups with 8 – 12 participants
- age categories: 8 – 13 ani
- interactive teaching facilitated by a KEN trainer
- children receive a Learning Journal (resources and worksheets)
- Taxa de participare pentru întregul an școlar, în funcție de program.
Choose the program OFFLINE – KEN Academy and help your child to discover the world of entrepreneurship, to understand that he or she can be financially independent by happily creating projects that bring added value!
It is a type of learning that prepares children for whatever future experiences/choices they intend to follow as they embark on their personal path.
Registration and details at: / 0723.600.341
Enrollment in the module is conditional on signing the contract and paying an advance of 10%.