
What is your financial profile?

With the first stories read at bedtime, your child begins to know all kinds of characters, the embodiment of some character traits that you consider "good" and which you explain to him that it would be good to acquire or, on the contrary, some traits that you consider undesirable for your little one. But the selection of these types of behavior depends on your values and principles, on the representation you have of a beautiful and correct behavior in society. Thus, if you are a person for whom "generosity" is important, then you will also teach your child to be "generous". On the other hand, if you consider it more important to save as much as possible for dark days, it is very possible that your little one will end up valuing saving more and will become a very thoughtful young person.

It is certain that the way you behave in relation to money will determine, to a large extent, the attitude of your child in financial matters. Therefore, a balanced attitude would be desirable.

To find out if you have already achieved this goal and your little one has every chance of having a balanced attitude towards money or, on the contrary, if your relationship with finances is still a complicated one, we propose an adapted version of the classic test proposed by Neale Godfrey America's best-known author of children's financial literature:

  1. Do you often worry about money?

Yes No

  1. Do you use the cards until the funds are exhausted?

Yes No

  1. Do you know exactly how much money you keep aside?

Yes No

  1. Are you trying to "survive" from paycheck to paycheck?

Yes No

  1. If you suddenly received a large sum of money, would you save a large part of it?

Yes No

  1. Do you feel like you have to prove that you can live up to those around you?

Yes No

  1. Are you afraid that you will end up poor in your old age?

Yes No

  1. Do you often decide on the spot to buy something you like?

Yes No

  1. When the person next to you offers you to buy a certain thing, is your first reaction to tell him that you can't afford it?

Yes No

  1. Do you use shopping as a method of gratification?

Yes No

If you mostly answered "Yes" to the questions with even numbers, you tend to be more of a spendthrift person. If you answered, in the majority, "Yes" to the odd-numbered questions, you tend to be more of a stingy person. A close number of answers for the two categories shows a relaxed and balanced attitude towards money.
