Six ways you can teach your child the value of money
Money is an essential part of life and it's never too early to teach your child about its value and the importance of saving.
In this way, the little one will receive all the information he needs to manage his finances in the future. Learning the basics of how to use money will give him many opportunities for advancement later in his career, so it is very important that, from an early age, the child develops a respect for money.
Here are six things your child needs to learn.
- Expand his knowledge of mathematics.
Once your child starts school and learns the basics of math, you can begin financial education and put into practice what they learn in the classroom. Play cash games at home or download them to your computer or tablet. In this way, the child will learn exactly how to use money.
- Give her a piggy bank.
This simple action will help the child learn the importance of saving, giving him a sense of responsibility. Encourage your child to save a certain amount of money during a certain period, or suggest that they collect coins of a certain value. Turn everything into a game to keep them interested. On the mutually agreed date, open the piggy bank and count the savings. Then, depending on the results, discuss with the little one what to do next.
- Familiarize him with the concept of banking.
Take the child with you to the bank and open a savings account in his name. Let him speak for himself and conduct his own business in front of the bank employees. Make sure he understands the terms and conditions and suggest that he should deposit amounts of money regularly, weekly or monthly.
- Encourage him to plan his savings
Planning for future expenses will motivate your child to achieve their savings goals. It will remind him that if he has enough money, he can buy what he wants. Let him dream and encourage him to save even more to reach his goals faster and easier.
- Let him do his own shopping.
Give your child an amount of money to go shopping with, then observe their spending behavior. If the little one wants to spend more money than you offered, advise him to be more patient. Explain the whole process to her and show her what the priorities are when she goes shopping.
- Pay cash.
Credit cards are a huge temptation to spend money you don't have. Show your child that it is best to pay directly with cash that he already has in his wallet.
In addition, the best way to teach your children the value of money is to lead by example and allow them to be more responsible. Familiarize them with financial concepts and help them make lists of expenses. In this way, they will look at money in a much more responsible way, which will help them a lot in their adult life.
Tag:money, BOYS, ken academy, the value of money