The first Christmas fair for the children of the KEN Academy Club
The children from the Club KEN Academy from Avenor College attended their first sales fair earlier this month. Banana bread, raisin cookies, delicious cookies prepared by the children themselves, Christmas decorations and hand-painted brooches were all on the tables at the event hosted in the Charles de Gaulle Plaza office building. The fair was a real success: the children sold all the products and learned important lessons.
How did they cope and what was the experience like for them? We invite you to learn from the children themselves.
Ada, 3rd grade:
We prepared all the products ourselves, to learn how to be better at sales and make money. When we planned the business, we thought about profit. We've also made posters so people know what we're about when they walk by. We have a brand.
We thought about how to arrange the stand and arranged it several times during the sale, because we were starting to have less and less merchandise and we didn't want it to look empty.
I sold everything. We are also going to calculate our profit. The profit. You need to know how much you spent on materials and then know how much money you earned. From the income you have to subtract how much you spent.
The hardest thing was when I talked to the people at the booth, but then I got used to it and it got easier. Confidence in us has also increased.
The easiest thing for me was to arrange the table.
And I thought it was the most fun...all of it.
Today I learned to be more interactive with others and to sell.
The whole experience was great!
Vlad, 3rd grade:
For this fair, I prepared together with my colleagues and the teacher. I built a nice stand. We thought that the holidays are coming, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, so we said let's do a sale. We thought people would love to eat some homemade cookies after work and buy some handmade items to decorate their home with for Christmas.
We have chosen where the sale fair will take place, we have also prepared the posters with our logo, "Winter Elfs". The poster helps people to recognize us, to see who we are. I also found a logo.
The hardest part was when people ignored me, so I did my best to get their attention.
On the first three attempts, I failed, no one noticed me. But by the fourth time, I realized what I needed to do, learned from my mistakes, and attracted customers.
After the event, I learned that it's good to have fun, but first, you have to be serious.
David, 2nd grade
I have prepared a small stand for sale. I baked cookies at home. And we started the training at the courses: how to present ourselves, how to talk to customers and we determined what products to make.
Packaging is very important when selling. The message on the packaging is important. It must be decorated with a flower or a smiley face, with things that appeal to you a lot.
I found it most difficult to attract people to the stand, when they were walking too fast. It seemed to me that we had to talk a lot. Some were still escaping, I was trying to catch them. I convinced them with the help of words, I explained them about the stand, I answered their questions.
In the end, I learned that you shouldn't be afraid to talk to people.