In a society in constant change, who doesn't want an independent future for their child, in which they can know success?
The traditional model until now - graduating from a college, followed by a stable job and gradual advancement at work - is no longer applicable nowadays, let alone in 2030, when the little ones will be adults.
We are facing globalization and the decline of economic power, labor markets are increasingly dynamic, technology is in full expansion, economic crises appear, and the future no longer seems as certain as before.
What can we do to help young people face such an environment in continuous transformation?
The answer is simple: let's develop entrepreneurial skills within them as early as possible, even starting with primary school. Thus, we can create for them a strong intrinsic baggage with skills such as: self-confidence, courage, the power to find solutions, not to get stuck in problems, to work in a team, skills that will help them create their own opportunities when the time comes.
Entrepreneurial education supports children to become emotionally mature adults, who can create autonomous lives for themselves, who have the courage to turn their dreams into successful entrepreneurial projects.