Four ways you can encourage your child's independence
Your child needs to learn to be responsible and independent from an early age. Studies show that it is better to allow children to do things on their own, so that they develop a positive sense of independence.
Here's what you can do to help your little one be more confident on their own.
1. Give her a task
The more opportunities he has to solve tasks on his own, the more likely he is to do it. You might be surprised at how excited he'll be to help you around the house. A task received makes him feel important.
2. Change the task
If you notice that the little one is not doing very well with the task you indicated, you can modify it so that it is ok for both of you. For example, if your little one can't put the plates on the table because he can't reach, ask him to place the napkins. It is easier to modify the task to suit the age and height of the child.
3. Do the task together
If you want your little one to learn how to complete a task, it's important to do it a few times together. In this way, you can prevent possible mistakes and negative habits that may appear. For example, if you want your little one to rinse the dishes before putting them in the washing machine, make sure you make it clear what your expectations are. The best way to do this is to do the task together a few times.
4. Let him choose the task he wants to complete
When you give your child the opportunity to choose which task he wants to do on his own, you encourage his independence and find out what tasks he feels comfortable with. In this way, you show him that you respect his choices.
An independent and confident child will become a good entrepreneur in the future.
If you want your child to develop life, entrepreneurial and financial skills, come with them to KEN Academy.
Tag:child, independence, ken academy, task