Modern Dad's Challenges, edition 9: Digital children and access to technology
When we talk about children's access to technology, parents know one thing for sure: they want children who have well-developed technological skills, but at the same time a solution for the little ones to navigate safely on the Internet and follow a digital program capable of ensuring a good start in their personal (as well as professional, long-term) evolution.
Today's children know how to access YouTube or use their phone before they learn to tie their shoelaces. Early access to high-performance devices and their appeal, as well as the many ways in which they can be used, contribute to an accelerated development of the child, but it also comes with some effects (lack of concentration, low attention, ophthalmological problems, delays in the child's development, etc.).
How it should look the digital program of the child depending on his age? How safe is it to surf the internet alone? and to have access to social networks and other online channels at any time? But who are they? the risks of exposing photos of children on the Internet, we invite you to debate at the next edition Modern Dad's Challenges, on September 12, at the Intercontinental Hotel from Bucharest. The following guests will be with us: Cornelia Paraipan, Pediatric psychiatry resident doctor and family psychotherapist - under supervision, Nadia Tataru founder of Itsy Bitsy FM and Ana Maria Mitrus, blogger at meseriadeparinte.ro
"When it comes to our children's relationship with technology, studies show that it should start as late as possible, have clear time and content limits and never take precedence over interpersonal relationships, the quality of which, studies show, depends on our happiness. Technology has neutral values and it depends especially on us, the parents, how we want to use it in the relationship with our children", considered Cornelia Paraipan.
Registrations at the 9th edition of Modern Dad's Challenges it is done by filling out the form on website. Participation is free, subject to availability. J Additional details about the project are available on the website, as well as on the page of Facebook Modern Dad's Challenges.
The themes that we will develop in this edition are:
- The child's digital program and access to screens & technology
- Social media & the child's exposure to the internet
- Child safety on the Internet and online bullying
Modern Dad's Challenges is the only event in Romania dedicated to fathers and future fathers. The project is organized by the agency Creative Energy Corner*, with the support and involvement of partner brands: Lidl Romania, Nestle Incepe Sanatos Creste Sanatos, Corint Publishing House, Aqua Carpatica and Domeniile Samburesti.
Media partners: Doctor MIT, Radio Itsy Bitsy, Paginadepsihologie.ro, Sfatulparintilor.ro, Copilul.ro, Academiabarbatilor.ro, KEN Academy, Pozitiva Romania, Andreicismaru.ro, Jurnalulunutata.ro, Artistu.ro, Staupenet.ro, Asociatia SAMAS, Startevo.com, Kidibot, Frunzaresc.eu, Laurafrunza.com, #Cafeauadela10, Unsoideblog.ro, Sebababy.ro, Iulianaroca .ro, roxanadulgheru.ro, Solonaria.ro, Mamide2.com, Pricopie.com, Johannasburg.ro, Mamicaautentica.ro, Ioanaboca.ro, Bebelonia.ro, Positivemother.ro, Zecelucruri.ro, Rozsaunu.ro, Lullaby.ro, Pasimarunti.ro.
*About Creative Energy Corner (www.energycorner.ro): It is an advertising agency that offers PR, Social Media, blogging and online marketing services. Complete the palette with thematic events for companies, from product launches to press conferences, galas and parties, trade marketing, advertising creation and web design.