KEN Social Media – Learning to use social media smartly and safely, 10 – 13 years
Are you a parent and concerned about how your child uses social media? It is normal!
The COPPA regulations show quite clearly that children under 13 are not welcome in the Social Media environment, but reality shows us otherwise! We see that most pre-teens and teenagers create at least one profile on one of the social networks, and many use at least one form of Social Media daily.
It's a fact!
Social media comes with technology and age, even if sometimes it's hard for parents to accept this.
Many of these social networks, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube, come with a number of benefits for children, such as the development of technical and communication skills, but also with a significant number of risks and dangers for them, such as cyberbullying and reputation damage.
Lacking an education on this relatively new topic, kids don't always know how to make the right choices when posting, and that can lead to serious problems.
Through the module KEN Social Media, we aim to teach them how to use Social Media networks healthily and intelligently.
Through age-appropriate interactive activities and games, children learn about social media, what risks exist and how to protect themselves, how to build and protect their long-term Social Media reputation. Discover tips & tricks to have healthy posts aligned with their visual identity and personal brand, learn how to create quality content.
Pre-teens and teens discover in this module how to use SMART & COOL, in safe and effective Social Media channels.
Remember: Educating children about how to stay safe online and what it means to be a good "digital citizen" should start long before they venture into social media.
- the module contains 8 live sessions for 75 minutes, once a week
- groups with 8 – 12 participants
- age categories: 10 – 13 years
- interactive teaching and facilitated by a KEN trainer, social media specialist, Iulia Stănescu, co-organizer of SocialPedia, an educational event dedicated to digital enthusiasts.
- the teaching platform used is Zoom
- parents will receive information about the course structure and learning diary for the child
- participation fee: 800 lei, if the module is purchased individually.
- 10% discount is granted for the second registered sibling.
- the module will also have a surprise guest: a social media entrepreneur who will share his own experience with the children.