KEN MONEY – financial education for children, 10 – 13 years
Financial education course
The 6-session module
Within the financial education module KEN Money, through interactive activities and games adapted to their age, children discover the fascinating world of money.
Children learn what is money and what impact they have in everyday life, how they can organize them and how they can build a budget, what it means to save and what is the importance of a savings plan, what is a bank and how to use different bank cards.
They also find out the secret behind the price tag: why is the same bottle of water found, in different places at different prices?!
We want that through this module, children develop their ability to make wise decisions from a financial perspective.
Whatever your child chooses to become in the future, they will meet and work with money, right?
Financial education is essential for the harmonious development of the future adult, but it begins now, in childhood.
Enrollment in the module is conditional on signing the contract and paying the fee.
Tag:ken money, online modules