- it offers a 100% PRACTICAL CURRICULUM, rich in age-appropriate interactive activities and experiential games
- children meet with CONTRACTORS and SPECIALISTS
- children organize SALES FAIRS, and the profit is theirs!
- children develop their ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS and acquire BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE
- children learn HOW to build a BUSINESS PLAN
- Poți alege grupa care se potrivește cel mai bine pentru tine și micul tău antreprenor:
> Grupa 8 – 10 ani – Luni, 18:00 – 19:30, Charles de Gaulle Plaza
> Grupa 8 – 10 ani – Joi, 17:30 – 19:00, Piața Victoriei
> Grupa 10 – 12 ani – Miercuri, 18:00 – 19:30, Charles de Gaulle Plaza
> Grupa 9 – 11 ani – Marți, 17:30 – 19:00, Jiului
Because we want the little ones to acquire skills and develop skills for life, we have built an educational program in three stages, which takes place over the course of 3 years.
Together, the parents and their kids choose whether the child will participate in the entire journey or stop at an intermediate point (for example, after the first year).
The trainer has a consultant's role and will make the optimal recommendation. Also, in case of a break, the child can return to the program later to continue deepening and consolidating entrepreneurial knowledge.
He will be assessed by a KEN trainer and the appropriate level of education will be proposed.

Entrepreneurial Abilities & Business – 35 de sesiuni:
26 sesiuni cu trainer KEN
3 vizite organizaționale
4 invitați
2 fairs for sale
In the the first year of study, children become familiar with the basic concepts of a business and learn that they can develop entrepreneurial projects that earn money. They also discover what their strengths are and how to work as a team.
Upon completion of this year of learning, children will:
- acquire a basic level of business knowledge: what is an entrepreneur, what is a business, what are the basic elements of a business (product, promotion, price, location), what forms a brand, how to build a budget
- know more about money, what it is and how to manage it effectively
- train a set of essential entrepreneurial skills – teamwork, presentation and communication skills, sales techniques, creative thinking through brainstorming, goal setting
- interact with the market and thus develop their initiative and autonomy
- acquire knowledge about how to organize and manage a business, but also about businesses as a whole (through visits to various companies)
- have their first sales experiences, and from one event to another, they go from an intuitive to a conscious sale
- develop their self-confidence, in their own potential and in following their dream-initiatives

Business Plan & Business Abilities – 36 sesiuni:
26 sesiuni cu trainer KEN
3 vizite organizaționale
4 invitați
3 târguri de vânzare – business + abilități
In the second year of study, children develop their autonomy in planning and developing entrepreneurial projects. At the same time, they gain more confidence in their own strengths and those of the team.
Through interactive activities and age-appropriate games, children:
- get familiar with the Business Model Generation Canvas: value proposition, customer profiling, customer relationship, key partners, key activities, key resources, distribution channels, cost structure, revenues
- discover a set of business tools such as SWOT analysis, pitching, Social Media, customer journey, negotiation techniques, personal branding & storytelling, advertising spot
- deepen key entrepreneurial skills – teamwork, presentation and communication skills, selling, lateral thinking, time management, medium and long-term thinking, prioritization, empathy with others and customers, Win-Win thinking

Build your Own Business – business incubator – 36 sesiuni
the third year of study is dedicated to children who have graduated from the first 2 years of KEN Academy and who want to create a micro-business.
KEN Business is a business incubator – a learning path created to take entrepreneurial children from an idea to a functional business.
The stages they go through are: defining the idea, developing the CANVAS business model business plan, testing the feasibility of the product in the market, developing partnerships, communicating and promoting offline and online, distributing the product.
At each stage, small entrepreneurs, supported and guided by a mentor, take on fundamental challenges for their learning process and business growth.

- the module contains 35/36 sesiuni in functie de nivel
- performance period: 30.09.2024 – 20.06.2025
- groups with 8 – 12 participants
- age categories: 8 – 10 ani, 10 – 12 ani and 9 – 11 ani
- predare interactivă si facilitată de trainer acreditați KEN Academy.
- copiii organizează TÂRGURI DE VÂNZARE, iar profitul este al lor!
- copiii merg în VIZITE ÎN ORGANIZAȚII
- location: you can choose the closest option from here.
- children receive a Learning Journal (resources and worksheets)
- se formează o grupă la un număr de 8 înscriși.
Choose the program OFFLINE – KEN Academy and help your child to discover the world of entrepreneurship, to understand that he or she can be financially independent by happily creating projects that bring added value!
It is a type of learning that prepares children for whatever future experiences/choices they intend to follow as they embark on their personal path.
Registration and details at: carmeniorgulescu@kenacademy.org / 0723.600.341
Enrollment in the module is conditional on signing the contract and paying an advance of 10%.