Play, play and learning. What are the advantages for the child when participating in a camp
Pe perioada vacanțelor ne dorim ca micuțul nostru să se bucure de timpul liber, însă, totodată, acesta să fie un timp investit productiv, într-un spațiu sigur și sănătos. Adesea ne întrebăm ce fel de activități sunt cele mai potrivite pentru copilul nostru, ne gândim care sunt adevăratele lui pasiuni și dacă va avea oportunitatea să le valorifice, dacă își va face noi prieteni și dacă își va exersa abilitățile emoționale și cognitive. A camp is the perfect opportunity for every child to discover and rediscover themselves, to train their super powers, to build healthy relationships with those around them, to overcome obstacles and to have great fun.
Regardless of a child's interests, their uniqueness and originality are the perfect ingredients for a wonderful camp experience. In this context, children develop their social, emotional and cognitive skills and create memories that can last a lifetime. Let's discover together what are the advantages for the child when he participates in a camp full of interesting and fun activities.
- The child develops skills that he will later use throughout his life
During the camp, the children participate in a variety of group tasks, whether related to a sports, creative or manual work activity. A child will develop leadership skills by, for example, leading a team on a hike. He will develop communication skills and train his decision-making ability while facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. All these skills are important in the real world and are cultivated especially in camps, where the focus is on the personal development of the participants.
- Camps promote children's independence
At camp, a child experiences time spent away from parents. This independent time is important to help children develop a sense of identity. Children learn to become more independent as they explore their interests and discover their strengths and weaknesses. They learn to trust their inner voice and strengthen the foundations to be self-sufficient adults in the future. The camp will help children make the transition to independence while exploring the world in a new and exciting way.
- Camp is the perfect place to build friendships
Meeting, collaborating, playing and learning new things with peers is an invigorating experience for all camp participants. Camp is the ideal setting for participants to bond and form meaningful friendships. Although often, in camps children can get to know each other, from other educational or personal contexts, we encourage relationships with new people and socialization in extended groups.
- The camp experience challenges children to step out of their comfort zone
Taberele oferă un cadru sigur pentru a-i lăsa pe copii să exploreze natura, puterea grupului, importanța deciziilor și procesul de ieșire din zona de confort. Experiența taberei îi învață pe copii cum să își asume și să gestioneze riscurile și să facă față eșecurilor. Cel mai bun lucru despre tabără este faptul că micuțul tău se va bucura de aceste experiențe minunate și instructive într-un spațiu plin de sprijin și supravegheat de adulți.
- Camps encourage an active lifestyle
There are many studies that show the positive effects of an active lifestyle. It's important to start healthy habits as early as possible, and camps are a great way to allow kids to be physically active while teaching them that exercise is fun. Camp games like sports olympics, ball and team games are fun and exercise both the body and the mind. The child stays healthy throughout the holidays and prepares for an energizing new school year.
- Camps encourage a connection with nature
For the holiday period, we hope that the little ones spend as much time as possible away from technology. For this, a camp is absolutely perfect, as children have the opportunity to connect with nature, and train all their senses. Sensory development makes life richer, fuller and generally more enjoyable. Most importantly, time spent outdoors encourages movement, which is vital for physical, mental and emotional health. Outside, children are free to run, jump, laugh and breathe fresh air.
- The camp promotes respect for differences
Camp provides contexts for children to align their goals and work together to achieve them. Teamwork is a challenging process, as we understand that we must accept that each of us is unique and comes with our own baggage of information and emotions, we must actively listen to each other, and we must learn to look at things through other people's lenses as well. To accomplish a task together with others or to live and play in harmony, the child learns to respect and work with the differences that exist in the midst of that work group. Camp brings children together in an environment that encourages a greater sense of community and an appreciation of individual differences.
What is the next step?
The benefits that a camp brings to the participants are countless, but we believe that the seven that we detailed above are the most important reasons to help you make the decision to give your little one the right context for personal development. Not only will he return with greater independence and a stronger sense of identity, but he will have developed new skills, made new friends, and created memories that he will cherish forever.
Is your child excited and ready to experience the joy of camp?
What we have prepared for the summer of 2024?
Trei super tabere, fiecare cu tematica ei, dar toate pline de distracție și provocări.
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Article written by Veronica Dunga, KEN Academy trainer.