The best way to teach our child about money is to encourage him to earn it and then manage it himself. It is important for parents to help their...
Mia Barc wrote the Secrets of a Kid Entrepreneur series, a must-read for any kid who dreams of opening a business. I spoke with Mia to…
The business is a game made with joy, after which we get money! A business is a form of organization in which several people work and use resources to...
What is an entrepreneur? Is a creative person who has the courage and confidence to develop a product / service and who then organizes and runs a business around...
Let's discover more about the product In the last meeting, you saw a video where you learned the difference between products (eg cars, notebooks, food) and services (eg dental, …
For a future entrepreneur, as well as for a mature adult, it is very important to know what his superpowers (qualities) are. In this way, he will be able to choose better...
Thinking of doing business! But, you realize that there are already others in the market that offer the same thing. They are your competition! What are you doing? Give up or your...
Every person has a personal brand, whether they are aware of it or not, whether they build it intentionally or not, and whether they want to or not. People buy…
Curs de social media, branding, design Modul cu 12 sesiuni Ești părinte și ești îngrijorat de cum folosește copilul tău rețelele sociale sau cum își construiește o imagine în …
12-session module Today's children are tomorrow's leaders. Every child has the potential to become the leader of their own life, to overcome any obstacle and to...