Your child is the entrepreneur of tomorrow. How to instill his passion for entrepreneurship
"What will you do when you grow up?" – is a question we always ask children. When they are small, the answers are always in this area: teacher, doctor, astronaut or...unicorn. As they grow, they start to be more realistic.
Every parent wants their little ones to have jobs that make them happy. And entrepreneurship can be a solution. Here's how you could instill this passion in your children.
1. Show them the value of their work.
As a parent, it's hard to refuse them anything they ask of you. But, if you want them to appreciate what they have, you have to temper your generosity. Don't let them be lazy. Encourage them to do activities and reward them when they manage to complete them.
2. Be their example.
Children learn from us just by watching us and studying what we do. Don't hide the details of your work from them, explain everything they want to know. You can even take them to the office in one day.
3. Invite other people.
Children don't always think their parents are cool. That's why you can bring reinforcements, people you admire and who support your point of view. You might be surprised by the results.
4. Don't put pressure on them
Most parents want their little ones to follow in their footsteps. But children have their own personalities, they dream of different things. And at the end of the day, it's best for them to do what they want.
Make sure you are always there when they have questions and explain to them what it means to be their own boss.